Ellen's portfolio

Front-end developer from Groningen, the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Discover my coding journey. Through the SheCodes Max course, I've unlocked new skills and built 2 interactive landing pages,
4 web applications, an AI text generator, and a responsive multi-page website, all showcased in my portfolio.

React Dictionary Project

During the SheCodes React course, I built a highly interactive dictionary app using the React.js framework.

Before diving into development, I created a detailed design in Figma, which served as a blueprint for the app's layout and functionality.

This project allowed me to master key React concepts, such as state management and reusable components. I integrated multiple APIs to enhance the app, including features like word definitions, phonetics, and related images tied to the word search. These integrations make the app both informative and engaging.

Looking ahead, I plan to add a "Listen" feature using another API, which will let users hear the pronunciation of words.

This project highlights my growing skills in React and my ability to turn design concepts into dynamic, user-friendly applications.

Discover a Word

React Weather App

In the SheCodes React Add-On course, I developed a dynamic weather app using the React.js framework. This project allowed me to deepen my understanding of React's capabilities while integrating real-time data from a weather API.

The app features a user-friendly interface where users can easily search for weather conditions in any city. It provides detailed weather information, including temperature, humidity, and weather conditions, all updated in real-time.

I also added a toggle button that allows users to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit, offering flexibility in how the temperature is displayed.

This project highlights my ability to build interactive applications with React and effectively use APIs to deliver real-time data. It's a reflection of my growing expertise in web development and my commitment to creating practical, user-centered solutions.

Check Weather
Travel Project Koh Samet

In the SheCodes Responsive Add-On course, I created a website dedicated to one of my favorite travel spots, Koh Samet.

Learning how to translate a design from Figma into a fully responsive website was a rewarding experience. The project allowed me to put design concepts into action, ensuring the site looks great and functions smoothly across all devices.

Building this site was a joy, as it combined my passion for web development with my love for travel. I paid close attention to detail to showcase the beauty of Koh Samet, hoping to inspire others to visit this stunning destination.

This project reflects my ability to turn design ideas into reality and my dedication to creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. I highly recommend the course to anyone interested in learning how to make responsive websites that adapt seamlessly to any device.

Explore Koh Samet

Over Skincare Enzo

My interest in skincare grew significantly over time, leading me to become a go-to resource for tips and tricks among friends and family. Encouraged by their suggestions, I started an Instagram page to share my skincare knowledge. Although I made an initial effort, I struggled to find time to fully develop the page.

During the SheCodes courses, I realized that a dedicated website would enhance my skincare project. This led to the creation of "Over Skincare Enzo," a site where I can offer detailed skincare advice and tips. While the website is still a work in progress, it marks a significant step forward from the Instagram page and represents my commitment to sharing valuable skincare insights.

This project highlights my dedication to combining personal interests with technical skills, even as I continue to develop and expand the site.

Explore Skincare Tips
Pilea peperomioides

During the SheCodes Responsive course, I focused on creating a website dedicated to the Pilea peperomioides plant.

Throughout the course, I got better at using CSS Media Queries to make sure the website looked good and responsive on different devices. I used Live Server in VSCode to keep testing and improving the site. I also learned about the differences between static and dynamic websites, which helped me decide how to host my site.

One big part of the project was making sure the site showed up well on search engines, so I spent time tweaking things for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I used tools like an SEO page checker to make sure the content and structure of the site were good for search engines, helping it rank better.

I paid a lot of attention to detail to make the website look nice, showing off the beauty of the Pilea peperomioides plant while also showing off what I learned about web development.

From making it work on different screens to getting it noticed online, this project really shows off what I learned in the SheCodes Responsive course. It's a sign of how much I care about getting good at web development and creating cool stuff online.

Explore our Botanical Haven

World clock

Welcome to the World Clock, a project I developed to explore time zones and challenge myself with both digital and analog clock displays.

Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I've created a user-friendly interface where you can select different locations to view their current time. Not only does it feature digital clocks for accuracy, but also analog clocks for a classic touch.

To use the World Clock, simply click on a location from the select menu, and the corresponding time will be displayed.

As a bonus feature, you can click on a location to be redirected to its homepage for more information. Additionally, the project detects and displays the date and time of the user's current location for convenience.

Experience the convenience and versatility of the World Clock by clicking the button below. The project is hosted on Netlify for easy access, and you can explore the code on GitHub for insights into its development.

Explore World Clock
Weather App

Welcome to the Weather Search Engine, a project where I've integrated APIs to provide accurate weather information.

Mandatory features include wind speed, weather description, and weather icon display. While the forecast is optional, rest assured that all functionalities are fully operational with real-time data.

Hosted on Netlify, this project offers seamless access to current weather details for any location you search. Simply type in a location, and instantly retrieve its weather information.

For more insights into the project and its development, visit the GitHub repository linked below.

Get the Forecast
AI Generator

Welcome to the AI Quote Generator, a project I created as part of the SheCodes AI Add-on Project. With this tool, you can generate inspiring quotes related to any subject you input.

Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the power of AI, this project allows users to submit a word or topic of their choice. The AI then generates five beautiful quotes from famous personalities related to the submitted subject.

To use the generator, simply type in your desired word or topic, and let the AI do the rest! Whether you're seeking motivation, wisdom, or inspiration, this tool has you covered.

To try it out, simply click the button below. The generator is hosted on Netlify, and you can explore the open-source code on GitHub.

Try AI Quote Generator
Dino's Landing Page

Welcome to Dino's Doggy Domain, a webpage all about my adorable dog, Dino! I've built this page from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's my way of showcasing my web development skills.

On this page, you'll find all the basics like headings, paragraphs, images, and buttons. With CSS, I've added some cool stuff like backgrounds that change, making the page more interesting. Plus, I've used CSS to make sure everything looks good on different screens with grids.

You can even switch between a Dark or Light theme for a different look. And at the bottom, you'll see my name, just to let you know who made this page.

Feel free to explore Dino's Doggy Domain to see how I've put everything together to celebrate my wonderful dog, Dino!

Go to Dino's Doggy Domain
Fries Landing Page

Welcome to my Sweet Potato Fries landing page, where I've put my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to work. I've built this page from scratch, incorporating essential HTML elements such as headings (h1, h2), paragraphs, divs, spans, strong, emphasis, line breaks, horizontal rules, links, images, and buttons.

With CSS, I've added style to the page, adjusting things like spacing (margin, padding), text size (font size), font weight, colors, background (including linear gradient), line height, box shadow, borders, and transitions.

In JavaScript, I've made the page interactive, with features like variables (let), conditional statements (if, else), user prompts (alert, prompt), and event handling.

Take a look around to see how I've combined these skills to create a user-friendly and engaging experience!

Fry It Out